Light upon light. Allah guides unto His light whom He will. And Allah speaks to mankind in allegories, for Allah is Knower of all things.

Holy Qur’an 24:35

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Holy QurAN

Entry Into The Heavenly Gardens and Springs

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Ya Ali Madad and Navroz Mubarak! Navroz is a time for rejuvenation. In the Northern hemisphere, spring activates life in nature and fills one with hope, courage and inspiration. On…

The Descension of Angels To The True Believers

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For Thy Love and The Love of Ali-ibne-Taleb

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HAZRAT ALI’s teachings

O Lord, Create Sunshine In Our Spiritual Hearts

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Tahajjud Prayers and the Ascent of the Soul

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Ya Ali Madad. On the occasion Mi’raj, the commemoration of the journey in which our Holy Prophet (s.a.s.) attained the status of fana fi’llah and baqa bi’llah using ism-i azam…

The Key Practice of Personal Spiritual Search

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