Surah Ikhlas: A Gateway to Spirituality
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Surah Ikhlas: A Gateway to Spirituality

Surah Ikhlas (112:1-4) Ya Ali Madad. Surah Fatiha (The Opening Chapter) of the Holy Qur’an is the important Surah of the Holy Quran and no Muslim prayer is complete without it. It is therefore the most repeated Surah of the Holy Qur’an. After the Surah Fatiha, Surah Ikhlas is the most important and most often…

Holy Ginans Enlighten and Heal the Soul
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Holy Ginans Enlighten and Heal the Soul

The Treasury of Holy Ginans Ya Ali Madad! In the above verse of Holy Ginan, Pir Sadardin (r.a.) has identified the Holy Ginans as a treasury to heal and enlighten the soul. We have ginans for all kinds of situations. Many Jamati members recite the whole Anant Akhado over a period of 40 days for…

The Material and Spiritual Power of Ayatul Kursi (2:255)
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The Material and Spiritual Power of Ayatul Kursi (2:255)

Ayatul Kursi (2:255) Ya Ali Madad. The most powerful ayat in the Holy Quran is Ayatul Kursi, the Verse of the Throne. The text and the English translation are presented below: ‘Allahu laaa ‘ilaaha ‘illaa Huu. ‘Al-Hayyul-Qayyuum. Laa ta’-khuzuhuu sinatunw-wa laa nawm. Lahuu maa fissamaawaati wa ma fil-‘arz. Man-zallazii yashfa-‘u’indahuuu ‘illaa bi-‘iznih? Ya’-lamu maa bayna…

The Door of Personal Prayers is Always Open
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The Door of Personal Prayers is Always Open

“Vr. 2:153. (151) ‘… Prayer indicates an individual’s acknowledgement of God’s omnipotence and the individual’s confidence in God being All-Merciful one, as the only One who can grant the prayers of sincere supplicants. Faith must express or manifest itself through patience or endurance in all that befalls to the individual for his being faithful to…